Monday, March 14, 2011

Earthquake in Japan

On Friday March 11th, one of the worst earthquakes on record occured and destroyed a country. The earthquake, a magnitude of 8.9 rocked the east coast of Honshu, Japan. By magnitude, this earthquake that occured is in the top five for Earthquakes by magnitude and it is fourth. The only three in front of japan's were the 2004 indonesian earthquake in 2004, the 1964 Prince William Sound Alaskan earthquake, and the chilian Earthquake in 1960. I feel really bad for these people because along with an earthquake they have to deal with, they have to deal with three nuclear reactors. There were two hydrogen explosions in three days and are afraid that one reactor has lost its ability to cool. They haven't hit rock bottom yet, but they need to act now in order to avoid something that could be worse. I honestly think that this is a really bad thing that happened to a country that wasn't ready for it. I pray for them and wish them the best.

Japan is worried about there beinga Higher Death toll. Click here

They are also worried about the Nuclear Reactor Situation. Click here for more information

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